Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snowy day

Preschool Thanksgiving Feast

 Lots of little Indians...
 R was very proud of the Indian pottery he made..
 Thankful for wonderful teachers.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A walk in the woods...

 Our happy car full of kiddos..
 Going on a hike...touching the soft green moss.
 R was so excited...he told us that he had never been on a walk in the "jungle" before!  He was wondering where the lions and tigers were...  :)

 L loved dancing in the crunchy leaves and sunshine..
We didn't see any lions and tigers but it was a fun family hike!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Amazing Arthropods Zoo Class...

 We love going to homeschool zoo classes!  This time the kids learned about and got to touch a tarantula, a lobster, and giant hissing cockroaches!

L was very brave and pet the lobster!

Everyone made a paper plate lobster project to take home.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Welcome to 2 new little ones!

Yeah, if you've been are two of our precious little "reasons"  that we haven't posted anything on our blog lately!  :)  In July our family decided to open our home to a foster son and daughter, R (a handsome and sweet 3 year old boy) and L (a beautiful and spirited 2 year old girl) increasing our family to 6!  We don't know how long they will be with us yet, but they seem very happy to be with us and we are loving every minute with them.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

At the beach...

We enjoyed our little trip to the lake sooo much! This beautiful spot in the Adirondacks had a quiet peaceful beach with picnic area, sand, swimming, kayaks, and practically no internet or phone connection.  How could it get any better? :) 

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New family member..

Meet our newest family member...Angelina!  She is a very spoiled Texel Guinea Pig and she loves to climb up to K's shoulder and cuddle.  She started off looking like a hamster at 3 weeks old, and she is growing bigger every day!  She is sooo soft and sweet and we think she is going to have long curly hair when she grows up! :)

She even fits in Daddy's shirt pocket...but probably not for long...


K loved playing t-ball sooo much this year!  He really learned a lot and made lots of new friends. :)